把这篇中文作文翻译成英文作文就行寒假的时候我看到了一个十分有趣的人. 他有一双小到不能再小的眼睛,很滑稽,他走路的姿势很好玩,尤其是他说话的声音很特别.他总是穿着一件蓝色的衬衫和一条牛仔裤.



During the winter vacation I saw a very interesting person. He has a pair of smallest eyes in the world, very funny. He walked in an amusing way. What is of particular interest is that he has a very special voice. He always wore a blue shirt and a pair of jeans.

Winter break I saw a very funny man.
He has a pair of small to cannot again small eyes, very funny, he the posture of the fun, especially his speaking voice is very special. He always wears a blue shirt and jeans

Winter break I saw a very funny man.
He has a pair of small to cannot again small eyes, very funny, he the posture of the fun, especially his speaking voice is very special. He always wears a blue shirt and jeans.

Winter break when I saw a very interesting person.
He has a pair of little to no longer small eyes, very funny, his gait a lot of fun, especially his voice is very special. He always wore a blue shirt and a pair of jeans.

During the winter vacation I saw a very interesting person. He has a pair of smallest eyes in the world, very funny. He walked in an amusing way. What is of particular interest is that he has a very s...