


Dear Wang Yong,
I used to promise to tell you how I would feel during the trip to Beijing with my parents for my summer vacation this year before I set off. Now, we have already been in Beijing for some days. We arrived here in the evening the other day. We have been to quite a few sight spots, which are all what I have longed for to see with my own eyes. However, what I have experienced deeply is the Olympic village and the Great Wall. The former is so modern that I could not believe my eyes. It sorts well with the fame of our country. Speak to the Great Wall, how magnificent it is. It is our nation’s pride and I nearly forgot to return when I was there.
So much for this letter. I will tell you more when I am back with you the day after tomorrow.
Yours sincerely,
Sun Ming

dear wangyong,
i'm very glad to write you.as what i said,my parents and i went to beijing to spend our summer holidays.and now i will share the whole wonderful days with you.
in the first day,we went to the olympic village in which all of the sportsmen lived during the Olympic Games.all kinds of living facilities are available in the olympic village.most of the travllers spoke highly of it.
then we went to the great wall.There were so many visitors so that we have to spent nearly one whole day to get to the top.we took many pictures on it.i am very proud of my travelling to the great wall!
my holiday is over so i will go back as soon as posible.see you then.
your dear friend,

Dear Wangyong,
Long time no see,how is everything going on with you?At present,I'm in Beijing with my parents on holiday.Therefore,let me share my feelings and experiences with you as I've promised.
When we arrival at Beijing,we instantly paid a visit to the olympic village.Beyond my imagination,the village is so large that we were not able to visit every corner of it,however,thanks to the tour guide,we've made a general understanding of it.Besides,we had climbed up the world famous Great Wall.Standing on it,the scenery in all directions come directly into my eyes,and I felt how intelligent our chinese are,and it worth honoring one of the world seven wonders.
Of course,the two above are just part of Beijing's interesting places,so I won't come back untill I've visited most of them.I'm looking forward to hearing from you.