澳大利亚特有动物英语文章Kangaroo originated in the Australian continent and parts of Papua New Guinea.Among them,some species unique to Australia.All Australian kangaroos,zoo and wild zoo,except,are to live in the wild.Different types of kangaroos in Australia,a variety of natural life,from the cool climate of the rainforest and desert plains to the tropics.Kangaroo is a herbivore,eating a variety of plants,some of them to eat fungi.They mostly at night activity,


Kangaroo originated in the Australian continent and parts of Papua New Guinea.Among them,some species unique to Australia.All Australian kangaroos,zoo and wild zoo,except,are to live in the wild.Different types of kangaroos in Australia,a variety of natural life,from the cool climate of the rainforest and desert plains to the tropics.
Kangaroo is a herbivore,eating a variety of plants,some of them to eat fungi.They mostly at night activity,but also some in the early morning or evening activity.Different types of kangaroos in a variety of natural life.For example,the Porto Lloyd Kangaroo will make their own nests and tree kangaroos live in the bush.Large species of kangaroo prefer to trees,caves and rock crevices as shelter.
All kangaroos,no matter what size,there is one thing in common:with long legs and powerful hind legs strong bond.Kangaroo to hop generation of run,jump up to 4 meters,as far as to jump to 13 meters,can be said to jump highest and furthest mammals.Most of kangaroos living on the ground,from their strong hind legs the way jump can be easily distinguished from other animals.In the jump process using kangaroo tail to balance,when they walk slowly,the tail may act as a fifth leg.Kangaroo's tail You Cuyou long,covered with muscle.It is supported both at rest in the kangaroo kangaroo's body,but also in the kangaroo hopping kangaroo jump faster and farther from help.


袋鼠起源于澳洲和部分巴布亚新几内亚.他们当中,有的的独特物种到澳大利亚.全澳洲袋鼠,动物园和野生动物园,除了,在野外的生活.不同类型的袋鼠在澳大利亚,有各种各样的自然的生活,从气候凉爽的地区的雨林和沙漠平原到热带地区. 袋鼠是一草食动物,吃各种各样的植物,他们中的一些人吃真菌.他们主要是在晚上活动,但也有一些在凌晨或晚上的活动.不同类型的袋鼠有各种各样的自然的生活.例如,波尔图劳埃德袋鼠自行巢状、树袋鼠住在布什.袋鼠喜欢大物种树木、洞穴和岩石裂缝,收容所. 所有袋鼠,不管遇到什么样的大小,都有一个共同点:和长腿和强大的后腿很强的牵绊.袋鼠跳一代的跑,跳4米,直到跳转到13米跳,可以说是最高,最大限度地哺乳动物.大多数袋鼠生活在地上,从巨大的后腿跳的方式就可以很容易地区别于其他动物.在跳过程用袋鼠尾巴平衡,当他们走慢一点,尾巴不得作为第五腿.袋鼠尾巴长,覆盖着肌肉.它的支持都在休息在袋鼠袋鼠的身体,而且在袋鼠跳跃袋鼠跳得更快更远从援助.