


He thinks Jackey Chen is a very famous and successful Action star.Othersides he thinks Li Lianjie is one of his favorite actors in China.

He thinks that Jackey Chen is a very famouse and successful kongfu star. And besides, Jet Li is one of his most favorite Chinese actors, too.

He think Jacky Chen is very famous,a successful kungfu star beside Jay lee also is his most like star that is one of Chinese actor

He thinks that * is a very famous, successful Kung Fu star. In addition, one of the Chinese actress Jet Li is his most loved.
그 는 성 룡 은 매우 유명 를 성공적 으로 쿵 후 스타 다.또 이 연 걸 도 그 가 가장 좋아 하는 중국 배우 중 하 나다

He thinks Chenglong is a famous and successful kongfu film star,besides,Li Lianjie is also one of his favorite Chinese actors.地道的翻译就不能直译.百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答请点击“选为满意答...