用feel,spell,write down,join,find这5个单词分别帮我造5个句,


用feel,spell,write down,join,find这5个单词分别帮我造5个句,

1..I feel angry.
2..Please spell this word.
3..He write down what the teacher says.
4..I jion them and go to play.
5..I find the little boy.

1I feel better now. 2I can spell the word. 3Please write down the word. 4Can I join you? 5I find it.

He feel sick and went to the doctor.
He is a genius,he can spell when he was three.
We always write down everything the teacher says.
He decides to join the party.
He finds it difficult to understand women.

I feel happy
This word spells wrong.
Write down your phone number
I joined in a party last night
I can't find my pen.