在横线上填上适当的句子,使对话完整①Excuse me._______________?I'm from London.②Excuse me.________________?Yes.The bank is next to the city libray on Fifth Avenue.③___________________________?Because they are cute.④__________________________?I want to be an English teacher.⑤___________________________?I'm reading an English story books.⑥__________________________?My friend is tall and he has long hair.⑦__________________________?The TV progams are boring.I don't love th


①Excuse me._______________?
I'm from London.
②Excuse me.________________?
Yes.The bank is next to the city libray on Fifth Avenue.
Because they are cute.
I want to be an English teacher.
I'm reading an English story books.
My friend is tall and he has long hair.
The TV progams are boring.I don't love them.
It's raining hard.

1.Where are you from? 你来自哪里?
2.Could you please tell me where the bank is? 你可以告诉我银行在哪吗?
3.Why do you like them? 你为什么喜欢它们?
4.What do you want to be when you grow up? 你长大了想做什么?
5.What are you doing? 你在做什么?
6.What does your friend look like? 你的朋友长什么样子?
7.What do you think of the TV programs? 你认为这个电视节目怎么样?
8.How's the weather like now? 现在外面天气怎么样?

①Excuse me.___Where are you from____________?
I'm from London.
②Excuse me._____Is there a bank near here___________?
Yes.The bank is next to the city libray on Fifth Avenue.
③____Why do you like pandas_______________________?
Because they are cute.
④__What do you want to be when you grow up________________________?
I want to be an English teacher.
⑤____What are you reading_______________________?
I'm reading an English story books.
⑥____How is your friend______________________?
My friend is tall and he has long hair.
⑦___What do you think of the TV programs_______________________?
The TV progams are boring.I don't love them.
⑧____How is the weather now________________________?
It's raining hard.