英语翻译Can I say:"Today,I decide it dont't to listen dean of the advancedmath class."开始我想用not to listen 的同学告诉我不好,应该用 don't.麻烦大家纠正一下这句话的相关错误.高数应该是简称吧!它在英语中应该用全称表示吧!


Can I say:"Today,I decide it dont't to listen dean of the advanced
math class."
开始我想用not to listen 的同学告诉我不好,应该用 don't.

Today, I decided not to listen to the Dean of the high number of classes.

Today, I decided not to listen to the Advanced Math Class of the Dean.

I decided not to go to the higher mathematics of Dean today.
这句如果你后面想用从句,那么主语就不能是it 这个表物的,院长是人,所以表示的要么在后面用of Dean ,要么用‘s
高数是简称,全程是高等数学,全程是higher mathematics