几道 初二英语小题句型转换:1.An Ice and Snow Festival lasts about six weeks.(about six weeks提问)_______ ________ _______an Ice and Snow Festival ________?2.It takes five minutes to go to school by bike .(同义句)It is _______ _______ ________to go to school.3.The price is the cheapest.(同义句)The price is ______than ________ ________ _________.4.He left and he didn't say anything.(同义句)He left _______ ________anything.选择:( )1.The concert was _____.A.great success B.a great


几道 初二英语小题
1.An Ice and Snow Festival lasts about six weeks.(about six weeks提问)
_______ ________ _______an Ice and Snow Festival ________?
2.It takes five minutes to go to school by bike .(同义句)
It is _______ _______ ________to go to school.
3.The price is the cheapest.(同义句)
The price is ______than ________ ________ _________.
4.He left and he didn't say anything.(同义句)
He left _______ ________anything.
( )1.The concert was _____.
A.great success B.a great success C.a great successful
D.great successful

1.How long does ;last
2.five minutes' riding
3.cheaper ;any other one
4.without saying

1 How long does last
2 Five minutes' ride
3 cheaper any other one
4 without saying

1.How long dose last(问的是“持续多长时间”,所以用how long)2.five minutes' ride(five minutes'在这里修饰ride)3.cheaper any other one(按句意理解就是“这个价格是最便宜的”=“这个价格比任何东西都便宜”...

1.An Ice and Snow Festival lasts about six weeks.(about six weeks提问)
__How_____ _long_______ __does_____an Ice and Snow Festival ___last_____?
2.It takes five minutes to go to school by bike .(同义句)
It is _five______ _minutes'______ ___ride_____to go to school.
3.The price is the cheapest.(同义句)
The price is _cheaper_____than _any_______ ___other_____ __one_______.
4.He left and he didn't say anything.(同义句)
He left _without______ __saying______anything.
( A )1.The concert was _____.
A.great success B.a great success C.a great successful
D.great successful