


it was my happiest day on january the 1st due to the fact that it was the first day of 2008 and full of new wishes.on the morning, i watched TV for a while, and then did my homework. after having had lunch, i went to my uncle's home to play. at about 5o'clock p.m.,i went back home. to celebrate my father's birthday, we hold a party at home.i really had an unforgettable time.what a happy day today, january the 1st!

January the 1st is my happiest day because it is the first day of 2008,so it's full of hope.I watched TV for a while in the morning then I started doing my homework.I went to my uncle's home after lunch.I came back at around 5.Our family held a party for it was my father's birthday.I really enjoyed it.What a splendid day I had!

Jan. first is my most happiest day, because it is the first day of 2008, it's full of hope. In the morning. I watch some TV, then I do some homework. At noon, after we eat lunch, I go to my uncle's house and play. At about 5p.m., I going home, then our family have a party, that because today is dad's birthday, I was so happy, today is really a happy day. Then, you know why I really Jan. the first. It's not just the first day of 2008, it also I had a happy day on that.

the 1st of january is my pappiest day, because it is the 1st day of year 2008. In the afternoon, i went to my uncle's home. after getting back after 5pm, my family held a birthday party, because it was my father's birthday. I was really having fun. today is really a happy day for me.

January 1st is my happiest day, for it is the first day of the year 2008 and of great expectation.In the morning ,after I watched TV for a while, I finished my homework.Then I had the lunch at noon an...

1st of january is my happiest day,because it is the first day of year 2008 and it's full of hope.In the morning ,I watch TV and then write my homework.We went my uncle ome after lunch and stay there until 5pm.My family held a party for my father, because today is his birthday. In the party ,we all enjoy ourselves.