求原理图 电路图 使用说明 的英文翻译 高手帮忙啦本设计分为三大部分,分别为原理图、电路图和使用说明,并在相关的地方加以注释.当传送带拖动空箱运行到适当位置时,利用行程开关准确定位,本传送带停止同时接通另一条传送带,产品随着传送带运行时,由传感器对装入箱中的产品进行计数,并在显示器上显示.传感器选择红外传感器,通过产品穿越红外线的次数来计数.每当来一个产品时,就会相应的产生一个脉冲,传送给你计数器.计数器采用CD4518组成8421码同步十进制计数器,因CD4518内含两个相同的计数器,可将第一级的Q4输出接第二极的EN端,构成两级串行计数,实现0~99的计数显示.通过传感器感应感应、计数器计数,把数字显示在显示器上.译码电路采用两块CD4543,分别组成BCD七段译码器,驱动LED数码显示器.另外,在辅助电路中利用两盏指示灯对两台电机的运行状况进行显示,从而有助于电路故障的检修.关键词:行程开关、红外传感器、计数器、显示器、指示灯


求原理图 电路图 使用说明 的英文翻译 高手帮忙啦


The design is divided into three parts,namely,schematics,circuit diagrams and instructions for use,and where relevant,to note.When the drag conveyor belt runs empty containers to the appropriate location,the use of limit switch accurate positioning,the conveyor belt to stop a conveyor belt at the same time connected to another product with the conveyor belt running from the sensors into the box the product count,and the display displayed.
Sensor selection infrared sensor,through the product through the infrared to count the number of times.Whenever to a product,it will produce a corresponding pulse,send it to your counter.Composed of 8421 yards with CD4518 counter synchronous decimal counter,because CD4518 contains two identical counters,can be first-class Q4 output then the second pole of EN-side to form two serial counting,to achieve a count of 0 99显示.Through the sensor sensing sensors,counters count,the numbers displayed on the monitor.Decoding circuit using two CD4543,were grouped into seven-segment BCD decoder,drivers,LED digital display.
In addition,the use of two auxiliary circuit indicator light on the two motors to display operation status,helping to repair the circuit fault.
Keywords:trip switches,infrared sensors,counters,displays,light