英语高手帮个忙!帮忙查一下以下几篇阅读出自哪里?(只有第一句话)1 It remains to be seen if we have a future;.2 Serving on a jury takes a great deal of time.3 Genetically engineered crops have flourished in the United States since their introduction four years ago.4 From the late eighteenth century to the late twentieth;.5 They'ren neither co-opted conservatives nor keep-it-real black nationalists.万分感谢!最好是出自我国的各类考试的哪份试卷?


1 It remains to be seen if we have a future;.
2 Serving on a jury takes a great deal of time.
3 Genetically engineered crops have flourished in the United States since their introduction four years ago.
4 From the late eighteenth century to the late twentieth;.
5 They'ren neither co-opted conservatives nor keep-it-real black nationalists.