1.we will fail to arrive there in time if we don't set off now.2.you will forget my telephone number unless you write it down.3.Mr Brown works as an engineer.4.it's easy for you to work out the proble.用简单的英语解释以上的四个句子!最好帮我翻译一下!


1.we will fail to arrive there in time if we don't set off now.
2.you will forget my telephone number unless you write it down.
3.Mr Brown works as an engineer.
4.it's easy for you to work out the proble.


1.hurry up,or we'll be late.我们现在不出发的话就会赶不到那里。
2.write my phone number down if you want to remenber it.除非你把我的电话号码写下来,否则你会忘。
3.Mr Brown is an engineer.布朗先生是个建筑师。
4.you are clever enough to solve the problem.解决这个问题对你来说很容易。

1)If we don`t start to go now,we will be late to get there.如果我们不现在走的话,我们到那会迟到.2)You can remember my telephone number if you write it down.如果你写下我的电话号,你就会记住它.3)Mr Bro...

1.we won't get there on time if we don't start now
2.if you don't write down your telephone number then i will forget
3.Mr Brown is an engineer
4.it is easy for you to get the answer