英语翻译敬启者:你方3月9日来信已收到,信中要求以承兑交单方式支付你方第3837号订单项下的电动玩具.我们的一贯作法是以保兑的、不可撤销的、凭即期汇票支付的信用证付款,因此我们很难接受你方要求.但鉴于你方推销我方产品的良好愿望,我们破例接受30天期汇票的信用证,相信我们的这一破例通融将有助于双方业务的发展.盼早复,以便进一步磋商.机器的就不要了!也不要发上来,我区分不了 1.draw on sb.2.honor a draft 3.in one’s favor 4.承兑交单


1.draw on sb.2.honor a draft
3.in one’s favor 4.承兑交单

we've recived your letter worte on 9th in march.in the letter you asked for D/A to your electronic toys in your no.3873 order.
for the payment,we always adopt letter of credit which is sure to pay out,not revoked,and paying by demand draft.so it's hard for us to accept your requirement.however,because of your wish to sell our productions,we break rules to accept your letter of credit with 30 days' demand draft.wish this exception would good for our cooperation .
looking forward to your answer to confer more.

Dear Sir,
You mail dated March,9th have read, you request D/A term to pay the electronic toys under your PO#3837.
Our normal practice is confirmed irrevocable LC at sight. So it is hard for us to accept your request. In view of your interested to recommed our products, we break rules to accept LC 30days payment, I believe that can promote our both business.
Looking forward to your prompt reply for further discussion.

Thanks for your letter of March 09,and you request that D/A should be adopted as the mode of payment for your electronic toys under your order# 3837.As our normal payment terms is confirmed,irrevocabl...

Dear Sirs:
You on March 9 letter had been received, the request to be accepted to pay a single way to pay your 3837 article, under the orders of video games.
Our consistent practice is confirmed, irrevocable, with immediate payment of money orders for payment of letters of credit, so it is difficult to accept your request. However, as you sell our products, good wishes, we made an exception to accept a 30-day period of letters of credit money orders, we believe that this exception will help to accommodate both business development.
I hope that early rehabilitation in order to further consultations.