求一篇英语散文process essay,题目是how to deal with loss,how to land your dream job,选其一还可以写 how to shop for the best deals ,how to lose weight and keep it off,how to decide on a career ,how to live a longer,fuller life等等写一个就行要求语法,流畅 有组织.,分为instruction 3个body 和 conclusion


求一篇英语散文process essay,题目是how to deal with loss,how to land your dream job,选其一
还可以写 how to shop for the best deals ,how to lose weight and keep it off,how to decide on a career ,how to live a longer,fuller life等等写一个就行要求语法,流畅 有组织.,分为instruction 3个body 和 conclusion

how to deal with losshave you even been a loss? a question will be asked when we are in trouble. none of us will accpet the truth that we are the loss sometimes.first we should take in for no one can...