A:What did your son say in the letter?B:He told me he the Disney World.that ;would visit 为什么不能填 when would visitA:What did your son say in the letter?B:He told me () he() the Disney World.


A:What did your son say in the letter?B:He told me he the Disney World.
that ;would visit 为什么不能填 when would visit
A:What did your son say in the letter?B:He told me () he() the Disney World.

He told me.他儿子说的话,他儿子自己清楚。如果是when就成了,他儿子自己都不知道什么时候去了。
用that, 定语从句。

如果用when,那要说he told me when he visited the Disney World.他告诉我他以前去