move in/move into/move in三者的区别今天学到新概念第一册第91课,文中有三个关于move的句子:1.Has he moved to his new house yet?2.When will the new people move into this house?3.I think that they'll move in the day after tomorrow.此三句中的move in/move into/move in应该怎么解释?意思是一样吗?可以彼此互换吗?


move in/move into/move in三者的区别
1.Has he moved to his new house yet?
2.When will the new people move into this house?
3.I think that they'll move in the day after tomorrow.
此三句中的move in/move into/move in应该怎么解释?意思是一样吗?可以彼此互换吗?

move to:到具体的一个地点.
move into:房子一类的,可以“进入”的.行动具体点咯.
move in:迁入.就指这项活动.

其实没有大的区别.move into只是强调那个动作.表搬进.无须特别区分:)