英语语法,高手HELP HELP~!1 He is ____much of a gentleman to fight.A so B as C very D too(为什么这里不选A,要选D呢?翻译为如此多,不可以吗?)2 How long ____?A you suppose did it last B do you suppose it lastedC did you suppose it last D you suppose it lasted(这个不懂为什么B,不可以选C吗?)3 Smith had some trouble ____the man's accent A to understand B understandingC for understanding D with understanding(不是have trouble with sth 吗?为什么题目选B了?)4 She turned,_____instinct,to h


英语语法,高手HELP HELP~!
1 He is ____much of a gentleman to fight.
A so B as C very D too

2 How long ____?
A you suppose did it last B do you suppose it lasted
C did you suppose it last D you suppose it lasted

3 Smith had some trouble ____the man's accent
A to understand B understanding
C for understanding D with understanding
(不是have trouble with sth 吗?为什么题目选B了?)

4 She turned,_____instinct,to her father for protection.
A by B in C on D for

5 He likes _____
A writing and to be written B to and to be written
C to write and being written D writing and written

6 Many a person ____that kind of experience
A have B has C having D are having
(many a 不是许多的意思吗?那不是复数吗?为什么选B 不选A呢?)

7 You can make some modifications to the plan ____you find anything impractical.
A even though B unless C now that D in case

8 I certainly appreciate ______us about the delay in receiving the materials because we had planned to begin work tomorrow.
A he telling B he tell C his telling D him telling
9 At the age of eleven,Sophia was already something ____ a poet.
A of B for C like D as

10 What he said just now had little to do with the question _____discussion.
A on B in C under D at

11 Although not an economist himself, Dr.Smith has long been a severe critic of the government's ______ policies.
A economical B economic C economy D economics

12 My gloves are ____,I must buy a new pair
A worn out B broken through C at hand D out of order

13 When Mr.Jones gers old ,he will____over his business to his son.
A take B think C hand D get

14 My uncle from the company because he was made to undertake dangerous assignments.
A removed B emerged C resigned D shifted

15 They set off by car and ____the nearest town.
A made for B made after C made out D made to

16 She had heard strange footstepsin the house several times , so she hired a private detective to ____the matter.
A go into B put into C look into D take into

17 I don not know about him,____comment on him behind his back.
A let alone B let go C leave alone D take leave

18 The youth often get _____strange thoughts and dreams.
A familiar to B engaged with C concerned about D caught up in


我的解答在每道题下面.这么多题都不给悬赏分啊?1 (为什么这里不选A,要选D呢?翻译为如此多,不可以吗?)因为 too ... to ... 表示“太 ... 而不肯 ...”.这句话的意思是“他是个十足君子,绝不肯动手”.类似的句子还有 H...