why do you think that wan not cut down the tree,此句哪里错了,请不要用去掉do you think的方法来解释hello .但是印刷原句是why do you think we cannot cut down the tree,和why do you think that wecannot cut down the tree,首句对.你这样一说很对诶,那否定不前移可以吗?,我查了资料,疑问句否定可不前移.此题来自人教版高一重难点,why do you think we cannot cut down the tree,这句是对的,加了that为误,请有识者进.师傅们,靠谱点


why do you think that wan not cut down the tree,此句哪里错了,请不要用去掉do you think的方法来解释
hello .但是印刷原句是why do you think we cannot cut down the tree,和why do you think that wecannot cut down the tree,首句对.你这样一说很对诶,那否定不前移可以吗?,我查了资料,疑问句否定可不前移.此题来自人教版高一重难点,why do you think we cannot cut down the tree,这句是对的,加了that为误,请有识者进.师傅们,靠谱点

2、所以,这句改为:why don't  you think that wan  cut down the tree?
3、再比如:I don’t think he will come to my party.而不能说成I think he won’t come to my party.