英语翻译Losers is never hit by the failure of the people to bear and the courage to always avoid those failures,not brave enough to face the cowards!-- That in mind No one,can not fail,the failure is an inevitable experience,it is not your failure,but how you deal with failure to evade?Bear!I think many people will choose to avoid,and who have the courage to face the failure of courage?And I want to say:"failure to bear!" Failure does not lose face,not di


Losers is never hit by the failure of the people to bear and the courage to always avoid those failures,not brave enough to face the cowards!
-- That in mind
No one,can not fail,the failure is an inevitable experience,it is not your failure,but how you deal with failure to evade?Bear!
I think many people will choose to avoid,and who have the courage to face the failure of courage?And I want to say:"failure to bear!" Failure does not lose face,not distress,but a storm in the waters,as the LE grow out of nest by their parents,parents in the attack,in the face of adversity learn to fly the same.LE,will eventually become one of the Youth Pre-employment Training roaming the Eagle.Therefore,it can temper their failure to bear in all aspects of affordability,we are very helpful.
Xiangzi,a harbor ambitions wagoner - to have one of their own "Gongzi soft." Three years of struggle.Three years of sweat,is a return of the "empty joy." Later,the Sun detectives were abducted money,Hu Hao's death,the death of small-fu ...all this sophisticated upward from the Xiangzi.Unwilling to failure since Coombe pushed into the abyss of falling.Xiangzi life is a failure,if the firm can Xiangzi bear these failures?I am afraid to Xiangzi to three years,to have one of their own "Gongzi soft."
Failure to bear,like the face of criticism,if you will listen with an open mind.Calmly faced the criticism from others,that you will become even more perfect.Courage to bear the same is true of the failure,you brave the failure to find the reasons for failure,Congtouzailai work hard,and that will be successful.
Living in the failure of many of our expectations,it is "to Duhuanghe Sechuan ice,snow line will appear too Manshan." Otherwise how will the "difficulties in traveling,and the difficulties in traveling,and more staggering today in the" sigh?But if you can withstand failure,can withstand the failure to Zaipaqilai fell,and the courage to face failure,you will be able to pour out "Changfeng will ride the waves,sea Zhigua Ji Yun-Fan," the lofty aspiration,you encourage breakthrough failure to success.
In fact,the failure in your life is only the road ahead of a stumbling block instead of bypassing it,learn how to remove it,then you believe in life on the road can be a stumbling block to let you all the solutions swap.Removed the stumbling block in your time,exercise their own.As you bear the failure to identify the lack of fighting again,they sharpen their own.
Of course,we should also study the "Spider-net" in the kind of "failure adhere to bear".
Finally,I would like to say:"life is the people who are successful life never escape,insisted the failure of people to bear!"Defeat makes me happy~

我想很多人会选择回避,谁都有勇气去面对失败的勇气呢?我想说的是:"不紧" !失败并不丢脸,而不是求救,但一场风波在该水域,为乐长大出巢,由他们的家长,家长在袭击中,在面对逆境学习飞行一样.勒,最终将成为其中的青年职前综合培训漫游鹰.因此,它可以磨练自己的失败,要承担各方面的负担能力,我们是非常有帮助的.
祥子,怀野心瓦格纳-有一个自己的" g ongzi软" .三年的斗争.三年的汗水,是一个回报的"空欢乐" .后来,孙侦探被绑架的钱,胡浩的死亡,死亡的小福...这一切尖端向上,从祥子.不愿失败,自甘被推入深渊的下降.祥子的生活是失败的,如果该公司能祥子承担这些失败吗?我很害怕祥子至三年内,能有一个自己的" gongzi软" .
生活在失败的,我们很多的期望,它是"以duhuanghe sechuan冰,雪线会显得过于满山" .否则怎么会"的困难,行路难,和困难,行路难,并更加惊人,今天在"的感慨?但是,如果你能够经受住失败,能够承受失败,以zaipaqilai下跌,并有勇气去面对失败,你将能够倾诉的"长风将破浪,海zhigua吉运范,"共产主义的远大抱负,你鼓励突破未能成功.
当然,我们也应该学习"蜘蛛网"的那种"失败坚持承担" .
最后,我想说:"生活是人成功的生命从来没有逃避,坚持失败的人来承担!"失败让我快乐〜 !