初三英语作文what do you do after you get up in the moring?


初三英语作文what do you do after you get up in the moring?

You‘d better write it on your own. There are some expressions that you could use:

put on clothes 穿衣服 open the window to have some fresh air打开窗户呼吸新鲜空气
wash face 洗脸 brush teeth 刷牙 do morning exercise 晨练
have breakfast 吃早饭 do some reading 晨读
go to school by bike/on foot/by bus 骑自行车/步行/坐车去学校
at school 在学校 have English/Math class 上英语课/数学课
have a break 休息 listen to music 听音乐

After i get up form my bed,i will brush my teeth and wash my face first.and than i will make my delicious breakfast,it including eggs,bread and mike.although it looks realy commonplace but ithave a lo...