05it goes without saying that children whose parents are not particularly well-off are more likely than children of affluent households to know how to get the most out of a modest allowance,if they ever get such a thing at all.想知道的语言点:1—how to get the most out of a modest allowance:这句话怎么翻译:get the most :是取得最多的意思吧?2—if they ever get such a thing at all.这句话看不懂.


05it goes without saying that children whose parents are not particularly well-off are more likely than children of affluent households to know how to get the most out of a modest allowance,if they ever get such a thing at all.
1—how to get the most out of a modest allowance:这句话怎么翻译:get the most :是取得最多的意思吧?
2—if they ever get such a thing at all.这句话看不懂.

主句:It goes without saying (it 是形式主语)
主语从句主结构:that children are more likely than children of affluent households to know how to get the most out of a modest allowance,其中嵌套短语 are likey to do sth.(可能做某事) 和比较结构 more … than…(比…更)
修饰 children 的定语从句:whose parents are not particularly well-off,
条件状语:if they ever get such a thing at all.
1—how to get the most out of a modest allowance 如何得到最多的与有限的零用钱不相称的钱.
get 获得,得到,拿到
the most 指代前面的 allowance,意思是最多的“零用钱”
out of 与…不相称
2—if they ever get such a thing at all.如果他们无论如何曾经有过这种东西.
ever 用在条件从句表示“曾经,任何时候,无论何时”
at all 用在表示不定语气的条件句中意思是“无论在任何程度上;不管怎样”
3— it goes without saying 不用说