Many good students’ English are very well,they do not depend on the class.1.good students’ English are very well表述不确切,需重新组织语言2.class表述不确切请问语法高手如何修改


Many good students’ English are very well,they do not depend on the class.
1.good students’ English are very well表述不确切,需重新组织语言


你是想表达成绩好得学生是吗? 那应该就是top student
well一般是说身体好 你说英语棒可以是excellent
Many top students'English are excellent 后面那句看不懂你想表达什么

Many good students’ English is very good.They do not rely on the class.这样改过之后没有语法错误,但仍然有些奇怪,如果是我来表述的话,我会说:The English of many good students is very good.They can learn it themselves and do not have to rely on the teachers.