上面是我从网上摘得一句话,感觉说的蛮好.但是我发现中间有 wan't 这么,这到底是一种缩写形式(比如是want not的缩写形式,根据句意判断,好像不是否定形式),还是一种拼写错误(就是want的意思),或者是其他!下附原文:I love you,not because of what you have but because of what I feel..I care for you,not because you need care but because I want to..I'm always here for you,not because I wan't you to be with me but because I want to be with you..


上面是我从网上摘得一句话,感觉说的蛮好.但是我发现中间有 wan't 这么,这到底是一种缩写形式(比如是want not的缩写形式,根据句意判断,好像不是否定形式),还是一种拼写错误(就是want的意思),或者是其他!
I love you,not because of what you have but because of what I feel..
I care for you,not because you need care but because I want to..
I'm always here for you,not because I wan't you to be with me but because I want to be with you..

就是want,是误写,没有wan't 这种缩写词,从文意判断也是want.