我认为是不是应该rather than drive out,应该是driving outI would prefer to spend the weekend at home rather than drive out.


我认为是不是应该rather than drive out,应该是driving out
I would prefer to spend the weekend at home rather than drive out.

rather than 是:而不是
prefer dooing A to doing B (所以这句应该是对的)

这是一个固定用法,prefer to do sth rather than do 宁愿做什么而不愿做什么。记住就行,不要和prefer doing to doing 混起来

would rather do A than do B ==prefer to do A rather than do B == prefer doing A to doing B而这句中我认为would 是助词,而所谓prefer doing A to doing B有两种意思1.宁愿怎样不愿怎样2.比什么更喜欢什么 ==lik...

但这个句子语法点是prefer do rather than do.