帮我翻译一下,Mr.Bean is a British comedy television programme series of 14 half-hour episodes written by and starring Rowan Atkinson as the title character.The series follows the exploits of Mr.Bean,described by Atkinson as "a child in a grown man's body",in solving various problems presented by everyday tasks and often causing disruption in the process.Bean rarely speaks,and the largely physical humour of the series is derived from his interactions with ot


帮我翻译一下,Mr.Bean is a British comedy television programme series of 14 half-hour episodes written by and starring Rowan Atkinson as the title character.The series follows the exploits of Mr.Bean,described by Atkinson as "a child in a grown man's body",in solving various problems presented by everyday tasks and often causing disruption in the process.Bean rarely speaks,and the largely physical humour of the series is derived from his interactions with other people and his unusual solutions to situations.

"憨豆先生"是一部14集的英国喜剧电视连续剧, 每集半小时, 由主演Rowan阿特金森为主角。该剧讲述了憨豆先生的事迹,阿特金森被描述为“一个成年男子的身体”的孩子,在解决日常任务提出的各种问题的过程中, 经常造成一些有趣的错误而让事情更加出错连连。豆很少说话,该系列的真正的幽默正是来自于他与其他人之间的互动及他不寻常的解决方案之间的相互作用。
