补全对话It s very kind of you to come and see me offA;You can leave that to me.B;I hope you will come again.C;My pleasure.D.When is it taking off?E.How can I thank you enough?F.What time is your flight taking off?G.How do you go to school?Peter;It's very kind of you to come and see me off.Bruce;__1___I wish you a very pleasant journey home.P;Thank you and please say goodbye to all my friends in the school for me.B;OK.___2____P;You have given so much help


补全对话It s very kind of you to come and see me off
A;You can leave that to me.
B;I hope you will come again.
C;My pleasure.
D.When is it taking off?
E.How can I thank you enough?
F.What time is your flight taking off?
G.How do you go to school?
Peter;It's very kind of you to come and see me off.
Bruce;__1___I wish you a very pleasant journey home.
P;Thank you and please say goodbye to all my friends in the school for me.
P;You have given so much help during my stay here.___3____
B;You're welcome.I've been happy to do what I could.___4___
P;Yes.I'll try my best to come again.
P;3;20,they say.
B;Well,there're only ten minutes left,so we'd better say goodbye now.