求海贼王中句子的一些翻译,中文翻译英文,不要有道等软件翻译的,谢谢!我要成为世界第一的大剑豪,让自己的名字响彻天堂!绘出自己所看到的世界地图!成为真正的海上勇敢战士!寻找传说中的蓝海成为“万能药”(不管什么都能医治的医生)寻找完整的“历史正文”,调查800年前的空白历史造出属于自己的梦想之船并亲眼见证自己的船到达世界海洋的终点的那一刻.环峣世界一周到“伟大航道 双子峡”跟岛屿鲸鱼拉布重逢拥有财富,名声,权利拥有世界上一切的海贼王哥尔D罗杰在临死前说的一句话让人们趋之若鹜奔向大海“香烟的得财宝吗?想要的话可以全部给你.去找吧,我把所有财宝全都放在那里了.”于是所有的男子汉航向伟大的航路追逐梦想!世界开始迎来了大海贼时代.我是要成为海贼王的男人!海贼王,我当定了!拥有财富,名声,权利拥有世界上一切的海贼王哥尔D罗杰在临死前说的一句话让人们趋之若鹜奔向大海“想要的得财宝吗?想要的话可以全部给你。去找吧,我把所有财宝全都放在那里了。”于是所有的男子汉航向伟大的航路追逐梦想!世界开始迎来了大海贼时代。


环峣世界一周到“伟大航道 双子峡”跟岛屿鲸鱼拉布重逢

I want to become the world's first big sword ho, let his name resounded through heaven!
Draw your own map of the world have seen!
Become a true maritime brave warrior!
Find the legendary Blue Horizon
Become a "panacea" (no matter what the doctor can heal)
Looking for a complete "history text" blank survey history 800 years ago
Create their own dream boat and his boat arrived to witness the end of the world's oceans at the moment.
Ring Yao-world trip to the "Great Gorge waterway twin" with the whale island Rab reunion
Possession of wealth, fame, right to have all the world's Piece Gol D Roger was dying to say a word to let people rush towards the sea "treasures you have cigarettes? Want it all to be you to find it, I put all the riches all placed there. "so all of the man heading the great route chasing a dream! World began to usher in era of big pirates.

I want to become the world's first big sword, let his name from heaven!
Draw what you see a map of the world!
Become a real sea brave warrior!
Looking for the legendary blue ocean
Become a "panacea" (no matter what can cure of doctor)
Looking for complete "historical text", 800 years ago to investigate the blank history
Create belongs to own dream boat and witnesstheir boats to reach the end of the oceans of the world at the moment.
Ring Yao world a thoughtful "great waterwayGemini gorge" whale with La Reunion Island
The possession of wealth, reputation, the right to have the world all in one piece, D Roger in the dying words let people scramble for towards the sea "cigarettes to treasure? Can want it all to you. To find it, I put all the treasure they putin there." So the man heading to all the great route chasing the dream! The world began to usher in the era of big pirates.

I want to be the world's first big jian hao,let his name resounded through heaven!Draw what you see a world map!Become a real sea brave warrior!Searching for the legendary blue ocean become a "panacea...