


across,cross,through,over的用法区别:across,cross是横过的意思,across是介词,通常在用go,run,swim.等搭配;cross是动词,通常可以直接放在句子中;through是穿过,跟across一样介词,通常在用go,run,swim.等搭配through与cross的不同在于:through是从中通过across是从事物表面穿过;over 是越过,在…上方.
eg.①I went across the road = I cross the road.我横过马路(经斑马线)
②The river runs through our city.这条河流经我们市.
③He passed through the hall.他穿过大厅
④I swam across the Changjiang River 20 years ago.20年前我横渡了长江.
⑤Look left and right before you go across the street.过马路时要左右看.
⑥She put a blanket over the sleeping child.她给熟睡的孩子盖上毯子.
⑦She climbed over the wall.她翻过墙去.
⑧a bridge over the river 横跨河面的桥
⑨They held a large umbrella over her.他们给她撑起一把大伞.