My father likes sports show.(一般疑问句)I don't like soap operas at all.(同义句)What do you think of action movies (同上)Sam (can't stand )soap operas.在括号内提问题she likes sitcoms and action movies.(改为否定句)


My father likes sports show.(一般疑问句)I don't like soap operas at all.(同义句)What do you think of action movies (同上)Sam (can't stand )soap operas.在括号内提问题she likes sitcoms and action movies.(改为否定句)

1.Does your father like sports show?
2.I hate soap operas.
3.What's her opinion on soap operas?
4.What's her opinion on soap operas?
5.She doesn't like sitcoms and action movies.

1 What does your father like?
2 I hate soap operas.
3 How do you like the action movies?
4 What's her opinion on soap operas?
5 She doesn't like sitcoms or action movies.

将肯定句变一般疑问句的技巧是:a.如原句有be动词,则提前be动词,其他照写He is my father.Is he your father?I was a student.Were you a student?b.如原句有情态动词,则提前情态动词,其他照写He can drive a car.Ca...