英语翻译      您好.叔叔2.      5岁了.我上XX幼儿园.今天画树了.(5岁今天画画了 画了个树)3.      我想吃冰淇淋.4.      不我想吃汉堡.5.      是~妈妈切给我这边的.(自足餐中小孩想要吃的太大所以想要的部位切一块)6.      妈我会有弟弟?(扮演妈的怀孕几月亲戚对话中大概了解所以提问)7.      过一会唱歌.(预定想要唱儿童哥)8.      但是太甜.(吃的食物)9.      爸爸我有点困了~(该回家了)不要在线翻译的.不踏实场景是一大家族进餐店后各自介绍点菜类型的ABC人对话我负责5岁小孩对话.后面()里面场景和环境描述不用翻译.


2.      5岁了.我上XX幼儿园.今天画树了.(5岁今天画画了 画了个树)
3.      我想吃冰淇淋.
4.      不我想吃汉堡.
5.      是~妈妈切给我这边的.(自足餐中小孩想要吃的太大所以想要的部位切一块)
6.      妈我会有弟弟?(扮演妈的怀孕几月亲戚对话中大概了解所以提问)
7.      过一会唱歌.(预定想要唱儿童哥)
8.      但是太甜.(吃的食物)
9.      爸爸我有点困了~(该回家了)

1.Hello,uncle,how are you?
2.I'm 5 years old,going to XX kindergarten.Today,I paint a tree.(5 years old,paint a picture of a tree today)
3.I want some ice cream.
4.I do not want to eat hamburgers.
5.Yes !Mom I want this side.(At a buffet,the child wants a piece that is too large for him or her.Mom cuts it up.The child demands a particular side of the piece.)
6.Mom,am I going to have a brother?(The actress playing the Mom appears to be pregnant.This is a common question asked by a child.)
7.Do the singing a bit later.(Scheduled to sing children's song)
8.But it's too sweet.(Refers to food)
9.Dad I'm a bit sleepy !(It's time to go home!)