Many countries have p holidays so that people can relax.根据句意和首字母完成单词(10分)1. In my o the question is too easy for us.2. The teacher a us to reading English everyday.3. China is f for the Great Wall.4. Mother wouldn’t leave his baby a at home.5. Many countries have p holidays so that people can relax.6. We shouldn’t d too much on our parents.7. You can i


Many countries have p holidays so that people can relax.
1. In my o the question is too easy for us.
2. The teacher a us to reading English everyday.
3. China is f for the Great Wall.
4. Mother wouldn’t leave his baby a at home.
5. Many countries have p holidays so that people can relax.
6. We shouldn’t d too much on our parents.
7. You can i reading English if you don’t read it early.
8. Dr. Bethune performed o for 69 hours without stopping to rest.
9. Yesterday Father went away on b in Beijing.
10. The boy can d himself properly.

1.In my (opinion,观点) the question is too easy for us.2.The teacher (ask,要求) us to reading English everyday.3.China is (famous,出名的) for the Great Wall.4.Mother wouldn’t leave his baby (a...