给我一篇八十字的英语作文,《the ways I learn English》.


给我一篇八十字的英语作文,《the ways I learn English》.

1.粹 2.暇 3.奢
4.躏 5.猝 6.魅



因为他们执著的追求,不屑的努力 ,为了完成他的工作,目标单一,这种精神居里夫人觉得很像她。

根据文意,你认为文中加点的 某种力量 具体指什么?
答:“某种力量”不是单一的,而是一种符合因素,应该是对真理的渴求、坚强的决心、 造福人类的使命感、科学魅力的吸引。

从第三段看,作者有哪些 美好快乐的记忆




附:楼主,原本我是第一个回答的,是10月24日的五点多回答的,后来加了“附”,所以到后来的了这是我一个一个字打的,绝不是网上随便拉一份的,这可是老师讲评后的啦。所以请您选我为最佳答案吧!谢谢你了! 参考资料:自己做的,绝不抄袭!

full advantage of the classroom is the most important. Serious lectures, take notes, follow the teacher's pace, hands, brain, heart, mouth to coordinate. To read aloud, even if reading is not good. In the classroom process, if you use good, the burden will be very small after-school. Especially remember short words and back.
The word is the foundation. A language entry, first learn the letters, then words, followed by the sentence, and finally the article. So the most fundamental thing is to master the word, or see the article is very laborious, will cause you to lose interest in learning English.
amount of reading is the key. Through reading, you can review the learned words, you can also expand vocabulary. In addition, the composition used to understand the sentence, to read more can form what we call a "sense of language." This is the theory with the practice of combining the key.
is the ultimate goal. Loud mouths to speak out, you can guard against that emerged after the dumb English, the other with the pronunciation of the word has a lot to remember. Classic sentence recitation, recite all through the article said. This is the final goal. Sometimes between the students with some simple English dialogue, not only can increase the interest, but also the consolidation of knowledge, but also to make friends, why not?
Finally, there is a small suggestion. If you are used to play the computer. You can see English movies. Learn English songs. There is create a MSN account, add MSN foreign friends. Now many people like to chat with QQ, you can try to use MSN to chat in English.

The ways I learn EnglishEnglish is important in the world.So most people speak English as a second language,and English is used around the world for computers,and it is used in science,too.I have been...