完形填空:In school it is not easy to learn_1__second language because the pupils have_2_time forit,and they are bust with other subjects,too.A.an B.a C.the D.oneA.such little B.so little C.so few D.such few 


完形填空:In school it is not easy to learn_1__second language because the pupils have_2_time for

it,and they are bust with other subjects,too.

A.an B.a C.the D.one

A.such little B.so little C.so few D.such few 

支持 B C few time 是习惯惯用法

1. B
2. B

B.a(第一空) .B.so little(第二空)
第一空序数词前用不定冠词,因为这里带有”再“ ”又“的意思
第二空time 是不可数名词,而few 只能修饰可数名词,故先排除C.D 当名词被表”量“的little,much,many 等修饰时,一般用so,而不能用such

B second 不是元音字母不需用an ,
a second language 也是一钟惯用

表示很少的时间 是用 have few time , so 加形容词,such 加名词,如such things
所以这里选 C