根据括号内的要求翻译下列句子:1.我们应该鼓励孩子们参与社团活动(participate in )2.你是否很想开一个诊所来帮助那里的村民?(be dying to)


1.我们应该鼓励孩子们参与社团活动(participate in )
2.你是否很想开一个诊所来帮助那里的村民?(be dying to)

1.We should encourage the children to participate in social activities.
2.Are you dying to open a clinic to help the villagers?

1.We should encourage children to participate in community activities.
2.Are you dying to open a clinic to help the villagers there?

1.We should encourage students to participate in accoiation acitivities.
2.Are you dying to open a clinic to help the villagers there?