—I'm sorry; I shouldn't have been so rude to you. —You ___ something not very nice to me,but tha—I'm sorry; I shouldn't have been so rude to you.\x05—You ___ something not very nice to me,but that's OK.\x05A.have said \x05B.had said \x05C.were saying \x05D.did say


—I'm sorry; I shouldn't have been so rude to you. —You ___ something not very nice to me,but tha
—I'm sorry; I shouldn't have been so rude to you.
\x05—You ___ something not very nice to me,but that's OK.
\x05A.have said \x05B.had said \x05C.were saying \x05D.did say


正确答案D.did say是对say的强调,意为“确实说过”