外贸英语,We certify that all of the facts contained in this statement are true and correct to the best of our knowledge and we do not know of any additional facts that are inconsistent with the above statements.We shall promptly send a replacement certification to NOV disclosing any material change of facts or intentions described in this certification that occur after this certification is prepared and forwarded to NOV.We understand that this statement i


We certify that all of the facts contained in this statement are true and correct to the best of our knowledge and we do not know of any additional facts that are inconsistent with the above statements.We shall promptly send a replacement certification to NOV disclosing any material change of facts or intentions described in this certification that occur after this certification is prepared and forwarded to NOV.We understand that this statement is to be considered part of a license submitted by NOV.
NOV reserves the right to refuse to conduct business with parties who fail to certify the foregoing.

我们证明这份声明里面所包含的事实都是真实的和准确的,基于我们所知的,并且我们没有获知任何的附加信息和上面的声明不符。 在这封证书已经完备和寄往NOV(是11月?还是啥东西?)之后,如果有出现任何的材料表明这份证书有任何的事实或者意图更改,我们应该会及时的发送一份更改证书到NOV. 我们理解这份声明是被认为许可证的一部分,递交给NOV。
