1 They are busy designing ,drawing and _________ the angles and soon.A looking out B taking out C finding out D figuring out 2________everybody is here ,let';s begin our discussion.A Now that B taking out C finding out D figuring out3哪项后面加不可数名词?A a large amount B many of C the number of D masses of4The thief thought nobody was around ,but he was in fact seen _________ into the office building.A stealing B stole C steal D stolen


1 They are busy designing ,drawing and _________ the angles and so
A looking out B taking out C finding out D figuring out
2________everybody is here ,let';s begin our discussion.
A Now that B taking out C finding out D figuring out
A a large amount B many of C the number of D masses of
4The thief thought nobody was around ,but he was in fact
seen _________ into the office building.
A stealing B stole C steal D stolen

D figure out 计算出
A now that 既然
a large amount 能且仅能加不可数名词
A stealing
see sb do/doing doing 强调看见。。。正在做。。。

1.D 他们在忙于设计、画图、计算角度.
2.A 既然每个人都在了,那我们就开始讨论吧!
3.a large amount
4.A 小偷以为没有人在附近,但事实上有人亲眼看见他进哪栋大厦办公室头道的.