They are going there by bus.划by bus (对划线部分提问) 一下都是还有l can see some island on the top of the mountain.划on到mountainJanet watches the divers.一般疑问句the,see,aquarium,boys,in,what,the,can(连词成句)好的有钱,我给越早来的回答得越多,钱越多只要回答对2句,就可以拿钱 Janet是一个人的名字


They are going there by bus.划by bus (对划线部分提问) 一下都是
还有l can see some island on the top of the mountain.划on到mountain
Janet watches the divers.一般疑问句
只要回答对2句,就可以拿钱 Janet是一个人的名字

How can they get there?Where can you see some island?What does Janet do?这句不太懂,你没打错词?我理解的是janet的工作是观察潜水员.所以疑问句是问她是做什么的What can the boys see in the aquarium?...