Last Sunday,my friends Wang Tao.Zhang Jun asked me to go ______ (swim) with them.soon we got to the river.They were swimming in it ,But I couldn't swim.So I ____(sit) under a big three and watching a little boy _____(play) with a ball near the river,But the ball ___(fall) into the water and he fell into tje water and he fell into the water,too.I was standing up and _____(call) for help.But my friends ____ (be) far from me and they _____(not hear).so I


Last Sunday,my friends Wang Tao.Zhang Jun asked me to go ______ (swim) with them
.soon we got to the river.They were swimming in it ,But I couldn't swim.So I ____(sit) under a big three and watching a little boy _____(play) with a ball near the river,But the ball ___(fall) into the water and he fell into tje water and he fell into the water,too.
I was standing up and _____(call) for help.But my friends ____ (be) far from me and they _____(not hear).so I jumped into the water,I didn't know how to swim in it ,but I _____(take) the little boy out of the water.His parents thanked me very much,They said,"You are a good boy,a good young pioneer."
when my friends knew this,they all smiled and ____(say),"You _____(swim) now,"