They have made up their minds to finish the task at the end of this month.是句型转换 They _______ _________ to finish the task at the end of this month.给出的单词是 determineare determined 或者 have (been) determined 哪个好些


They have made up their minds to finish the task at the end of this month.
They _______ _________ to finish the task at the end of this month.
给出的单词是 determine
are determined 或者 have (been) determined 哪个好些

were determined

have determined 不要been determine 表示主动

从意思上讲,无差别。但从时态上说,应该用have determined.与 上句保持一致。

have determined 比较好 上面也是完成时。。。

are determined 习惯这么说
She is determined to finish law school.