He thinks his aunt is right.(改为反意疑问句) He thinks his aunt is right.____ ____?我认为应该是:isn't she 是对aunt来做答,并且是否定的,但是正确答案是doesn't he,请问为什么用doesn't 而不是isn't 刚才有人回答对he think提的反意疑问,所以是doesn't he,这个我能理解,可是我看到一个规则,就是I think/know/believe/guess/等词汇,要根据后面的that从句来形成反意疑问句的,还举了三个例子,我就是根据 这个两个例子来做的上面这道题,例1:I know that you don't want to hurt me.do you?例2:I believe that he will try his best.won't he 例3:I don't think that we can spend so much money on clothes,can we?我想问到


He thinks his aunt is right.(改为反意疑问句) He thinks his aunt is right.____ ____?
我认为应该是:isn't she 是对aunt来做答,并且是否定的,但是正确答案是doesn't he,请问为什么用doesn't 而不是isn't
刚才有人回答对he think提的反意疑问,所以是doesn't he,这个我能理解,
可是我看到一个规则,就是I think/know/believe/guess/等词汇,要根据后面的that从句来形成反意疑问句的,还举了三个例子,我就是根据 这个两个例子来做的上面这道题,
例1:I know that you don't want to hurt me.do you?
例2:I believe that he will try his best.won't he
例3:I don't think that we can spend so much money on clothes,can we?