1.There's no difference between the two words.I really don't know _______.A.what to choose B.which to choose C.to choose which D.to choose what选哪个?为什么别的不能选?要是选别的话句子要怎么改?2.We were poor then we had no room _____.A.to live B.living in C.to live in D.to stay童鞋们看清楚有几问...


1.There's no difference between the two words.I really don't know _______.
A.what to choose B.which to choose C.to choose which D.to choose what
2.We were poor then we had no room _____.
A.to live B.living in C.to live in D.to stay

B.which to choose 我不知道选哪个 ,也可以用how to choose
C.to live in

1.B 不知道要选择哪个,又是陈述语气,所以应该是which to choose;
2.C live in the room,所以要加上介词in。

1.B.前面是twowords, 我不知道选择两个中哪一个,哪一个用which,宾语从句。选其他都是错误,也没法改。
2. C.to live in 不定式作定语,live in the room,住在房间里面,其他不对。


1.B.which to choose 疑问词+不定式在句中作know的宾语.
2.C.to live in 不定式作定语,live in the room,要加介词in