英语句型 be such that.例:her health was such that she would not go out in the sun even in winter lest she have a sunstroke.be后面直接加such ,


英语句型 be such that.例:her health was such that she would not go out in the sun even in winter lest she have a sunstroke.be后面直接加such ,

such在这个地方表程度 意思应该和s是一样的,为了避免常见的so that句型换用such。。 这个是我猜的。。。

Such that 就是so that嘛,或者说表强调。不是少个词吧?


be such...that :这样...以致

such…that…引导四种不同的句子结构:1.such+a(n)+形容词+单数名词+that从句.例如:This is such a good book that all of us like it very much.这是一本很好的书,我们大家都喜欢读一读.2.such+形容词+复数名词+th...