英语作文 《My Future Life》请以 My Future Life 为题,用3-4句话描述你设想的未来生活.还要回答问题:1.What will you be?(a teacher) 2.What will you do?(live in a big apartment keep a dog) 3.How will you organize you life?(go to work happily rclax)答对的话,(急,)


英语作文 《My Future Life》
请以 My Future Life 为题,用3-4句话描述你设想的未来生活.还要回答问题:1.What will you be?(a teacher) 2.What will you do?(live in a big apartment keep a dog) 3.How will you organize you life?(go to work happily rclax)答对的话,(急,)

Iwill be a teacher in a few years.i will live in a big apartment with my family.And l 'lkeep a dog as a pet ,because dog is my favourite animal .I will drive my car to work.i will live a happy life.