求以chinese popular culture为 主题做一段英语对话,对话为五分钟左右


求以chinese popular culture为 主题做一段英语对话,

A:Hi Ryan,how's going?could I ask a favor from you?
B:I am good,thanks.Sure,what can I help?
A:I am doing some reserch about chinese popular cultures,do you have any ideas about it?
B:Hmm,let me think.The first thing came to my mind is Traditional Chinese New Year.You know its very special and there are so much differences compared to westen Christmas and ordinary New year.
A :Oh,yeah,definitely.I joined one Chinese New Year celebration event held in China town.It was amazing,I saw lion dance which was so cool.Please tell me more.
B:Sure.The origin of the Chinese New Year is itself centuries old - in fact,too old to actually be traced.It is popularly recognised as the Spring Festival and celebrations last 15 days.Preparations tend to begin a month before the New Year (similar to a Western Christmas),
people start buying presents,decoration materials,food and clothing.A huge clean-up will be carried when Chinese houses are cleaned from top to bottom,to sweep away any traces of bad luck.The doors are then decorated with paper cuts and couplets with themes such as happiness,wealth and longevity printed on them.
A:wow,sounds excited already with those preparation works.Tell me what do you do on new year eve.
B :Yep,The eve of the New Year is perhaps the most exciting part of the event,as anticipation creeps in.Here,traditions and rituals are very carefully observed in everything from food to clothing.Dinner is usually a feast of seafood and dumplings which presents different good wishes.It's usual to wear something red as this colour is meant to ward off evil spirits - but black and white are out,as these are associated with mourning.After dinner,the family sit up for the night playing cards,board games or watching TV programmes dedicated to the occasion.At midnight,the sky is lit up by fireworks.
A:Amazing,I know there is something like poket money will be given?
B:HAHA,yes and its my favourite,an ancient custom called Hong Bao,meaning Red Packet will be given on New year's day.This involves married couples giving children and unmarried adults money in red envelopes.Then the family begins to say greetings from door to door,first to their relatives and then their neighbours.
A:That sounds awsome,thank you so much Amy,these informations are very helpful.
B:You are welcome,glad i could help.Feel free to ask if you have other questions about chinese culture.
A :You are so sweet,I will.I want to ask you something about Feng Shui later too.Now I have to go back and gather these informations first.I will catch you later,okey?Thanks again Amy.
B:No problems,i will see what i can do.Good luck with your work.See you later.