Now she swims in the river这句话哪里错了? 急急急急!九点之前要啊


Now she swims in the river这句话哪里错了? 急急急急!九点之前要啊

一个人不可以这么懒,你才初一。英语刚好要打基础,作文是很重要的,但不是my pen pai I nave a pen pai,her name is Heien.Sometines,she swims

改为:Now she is swimming in the river !

she is swiming in the river now

swims应该为is swimming

Now she is swimming in the river. 真别扭,应该是 She is now swiming in the river 。老师自己没有学好英语就教别人,真是悲哀!


now是现在的意思,应该用现在进行时,Now she is swimming in the river.

时态错误,应该用现在进行时,Now she is swimming in the river.