连词成句 1.now,Mary,isn't,right,working. 2.my,is,TV,her,friends,with,watching,sister.3.my,her,you,tell,to,could,bring,me,book?4.your,supermarket,mother,go,how,does,to,the?5.best,have,does,short,hair,your,friend,long,or?


连词成句 1.now,Mary,isn't,right,working. 2.my,is,TV,her,friends,with,watching,sister.

1.Mary isn't working right now
2.My sister is watching TVwith her friends.
3.Could you tell her to bring me my book?
4.How does your mother go to the supermarket?

Mary isn't working right now;
my sister is watching TV with her friends;
could you tell her bring my book to me?;
how does your mother go to the supermarket;
does your best friend have long or short hair?

答案:【Mary isn't working right now.】
【My sister is watching TV with her friends.】
【Could you tell her to bring me my book?】
【How does your mother go to the supermarket?】
【Does your best friend have long or short hair?】
【Me YC真诚为你解答此题,

1.mary isn't working right now .

2.my sister is watching TV with her frineds.

3.could you tell her to bring me my book ?

4.how does your mother go to the supermarket?

5.does your best friend have long or short hair?