I'd like a small ( bowl )of noodies.括号 里的部分改为一般疑问句they have some dumplings .改为否定句Would you like some tea 做否定回答She never stops talking,( )( )完成反意疑问句I think I know her.改为一般疑问句XXXX has a new book .改为否定句He is tall .(用short 把句子变成选择疑问句)I remember John Green?改为一般疑问句I feel a little tired today .改写句子,句意不变


I'd like a small ( bowl )of noodies.括号 里的部分改为一般疑问句
they have some dumplings .改为否定句
Would you like some tea 做否定回答
She never stops talking,( )( )完成反意疑问句
I think I know her.改为一般疑问句
XXXX has a new book .改为否定句
He is tall .(用short 把句子变成选择疑问句)
I remember John Green?改为一般疑问句
I feel a little tired today .改写句子,句意不变

They don’t have any dumplings.
No,I’d not.
does she
Do you think I know her?
XXXX doesn’t have a new book.
Whether he is tall or short?
Do you remember John Green?
I am a little tirde today.

标题 :I'd like a small ( bowl )of noodies.括号 里的部分改为一般疑问句
How many do you like the noodles?
1、they have some dumplings 改为否定句
动词的否定形式是加助动词do,否定形式则是don't.这个句型有一点需要注意,就是some 在改成否定形式时得变成any.所以这个句型的否定句就是
They don’t have any dumplings
2、Would you like some tea 做否定回答
以Would you like 开头的句型,肯定回答是Yes ,I'd like.否定回答是No,I'd not.要注意是
I'd ,用缩写形式而不是i would.
3、She never stops talking,( )( )完成反意疑问句
She never stops talking,does she?
4、I think I know her.改为一般疑问句
Do you know her?一楼回答错误,不是Do you think I know her?
5、XXXX has a new book .改为否定句
同第一题,用do的否定形式,但是这一次不用don't,而是 does'nt,因为从has 我们可以知道这个题应该是用第三人称单数.
6、He is tall .(用short 把句子变成选择疑问句)
反义疑问句用or 连接,所以
Is he tall or short?一楼回答错误,不是 Whether he is tall or short?
7、I remember John Green.改为一般疑问句
Do you remenber John Green?
8、I feel a little tired today .改写句子,句意不变
I am a little tirde today
不明白的话,Call 我吧.我是英语专业的.