Lise and Nelly went to the library the day before yesterday.(对划线部分提问,线划在went to the library下) _____ _____ Lise and Nelly _____ the day before yesterday?


Lise and Nelly went to the library the day before yesterday.(对划线部分提问,线划在went to the library下) _____ _____ Lise and Nelly _____ the day before yesterday?

对于这道题是:Lise and Nelly ___ the day before yestrday.答:What did Lise and Nelly do the day before yesterday?(由于“went”也在线内,只能用do来表达“做了什么”,同理线里有“library” 所以不能用where,只能用what)
因此,空里写 What did do