I haven't ___idea how that terrible accident could have happened to such a little boy.A.little B.the least C.less D.the little


I haven't ___idea how that terrible accident could have happened to such a little boy.
A.little B.the least C.less D.the little


B.the least

Bthe least , 我完全不知道这么惨的事故怎么会在一个小男孩身上发生。

b.the least

B.the least Not the least 的意思是“毫不”、“一点也不”,也可写作 not in the least.但后者一般不用作定语.i have not the least idea.我一点主意也没有.又如:Are you cold?—Not(in)the least.  你冷吗?...

选B have not a lightest idea

the least